And we’re off: Taoiseach Enda Kenny dissolved the 31st Dáil this morning, setting in motion the General Election for 2016 for Friday 26th February. Below are the twelve candidates declared for our Cork North-West constituency, of which three will be elected. Click on the photos to see a one minute video from each of the candidates.
Jason Fitzgerald (Renua), Nigel Dennehy (Sinn Féin), Michael Moynihan (Fianna Fáil), Andrias Moynihan (Fianna Fáil)
Steven O’Riordan (Independent), Áine Collins (Fine Gael), Michael O’Donnell(Communist Party of Ireland (new candidate)), Michael Creed (Fine Gael)
Shirley Griffin (Independent/People’s Convention), Diarmuid O’Flynn (Independent Alliance), John Paul O’Shea (Independent), Cormac Manning (Green Party)
Jerry O’Sullivan (Independent)
See what the Cork North West candidates are tweeting about with Marie Collins’ list (here)
Feb 2nd: Michael O’Donnell has replaced Alex Homits as the Communist Party candidate (CPI Munster announcement), and his official launch will be this Saturday at 4pm in the White Horse Inn, Ballincollig (details).

Feb 9th: eventually found a photo of Michael O’ Donnell
Feb 20th: Just realsied that Jerry O’Sullivan (Independent) is running, a late entry into the race. Details added above.