Murphy (Banteer), On April 2nd 2016, peacefully at her home, Mary (Bunnie), (nee Sheehan), Muingyrogeen, beloved wife of the late Denis and dear mother of Kate (McCarthy, Kanturk), Frances (O Leary, Castleisland), Conor and the late Mary Theresa. Deeply regretted by her loving family, grandchildren Moira, Aoife, Sinead, Aisling and Kieran, great-granddaughter Sorcha, sister Delia, brother, Davie, sister-in-law Sr Rosarii, daughter-in-law Sheila, sons-in-law Andy and Ned, nephews, nieces, relatives and friends.
Reposing at McCarthy’s Funeral Home, Banteer, on this Sunday evening from 4.30p.m. followed by removal at 6.00p.m to St Nicholas’ Church, Kilcorney. Requiem Mass on Monday at 12 noon. Burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.