In the last few days has reached the milestone of quarter of a million page views since last August. That’s quite an achievement for a small community site like our own, but it has been of great encouragement to us to know that the readership is rising all the time.
The graph above shows the number of times pages have been viewed by people on the site. This doesn’t include pictures or other types of media. There’s a bit of a spike in the graph for last October, which is a bit incorrect stat taking and also because of the pictures of the Halloween Fancy Dress which attracted so much attention.
Last month alone (March) 20 GigaBytes of information (20,000,000,000 copies of the letter ‘A’) was downloaded from in about a million files. To put that in context, it’s about 10 times more than this time last year. With all that activity, back in Janruary, we had to get a better hosting package just to keep the show on the road!
So thanks for looking and supporting us, and if you have anything you’d like to put on the site, we’d be more than delighted, just go to the contribute page and follow the instructions.
This is no surprise the website is updated daily and of interest to anyone who has left Millstreet I know more about what goes on in Millstreet than those who live there.
John Murphy