With the footpaths on Main Street currently under reconstruction, today also sees the announcement that many of the street lights in town will be replaced with new energy efficient LED lighting before year end, and also some new lights also to be installed to eliminate a black.
In the announcement by Cllr John Paul O’Shea he says that “the new programme is part of a drive from the Cork County Council to improve the public lighting in Cork’s Towns and Villages and to reduce its overall energy consumption. LED lighting produces a whiter light which allows for better dissemination of colour making it easier to identify pedestrians crossing the road etc.” The new lights will be at:
- Drishane Road – replace 37 lights
- Killarney Road – replace 13 lights
- Drishane View Housing Estate – replace 7 lights
- Drishane View Housing Estate – 2 new lights to eliminate blackspot on entrance to estate
For full details, read the press release by Cllr John Paul O’Shea
Some of the streetlights have been replaced around St.Mary’s Graveyard on the Drishane Road in the last week. Anyone notice any difference? good or bad?